progress was made during the period in lifting revenue for Internet
has shown a 60 per cent increase in site traffic since June. Plans
are in place for increasing revenue from Australia's Mining Monthly
and an additional Longwalls magazine was published.
A new
joint venture was signed and a new Internet site is being developed.
September quarter has been an excellent period for Aspermont with
real progress being made in lifting revenue for Internet published
products. MiningNews.net showed an increase in site traffic of 60%
since June and this increase is expected to convert to subscription
revenue over the next few months.
print, plans are now in place for lifting revenue from Australia's
Mining Monthly and an additional Longwalls magazine was published.
are advanced for the next Internet site and a joint venture was
finalised with conferencing group, the Institute for International
Research ("IIR").
has performed well with the highlight for the quarter being the
addition of a third Australia's Longwalls magazine for the year.
It may be worth noting that the term "longwall" refers
to a mining method used in underground coal mines.
third magazine has been introduced at the request of subscribers
and will focus on global longwall mines. This is a cost effective
magazine as no additional staff or resources are needed for its
current quarter is a busy time of year as the print division is
heavily involved in the forward selling of next year's advertising
and developing new feature lists. Advertising rate increases are
also planned for 2003 to bring Aspermont's rates into line with
industry standards.
was pleased to work closely with the Association of Mining and Exploration
Companies (AMEC) and the Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) of Western
Australia to produce yearbooks for these associations. The Company
was also responsible during the period for production of the Goldfields
Mining Expo program.
- Site Use
of the MiningNews.net site, by all measures, has grown at a tremendous
rate since June. Four usage indicators are tracked for MiningNews.net:
sessions, page impressions, stories viewed and total hits and all
have shown the same strong increase.
indicate the number of individual Internet users visiting the site.
Page impressions indicates the number of pages viewed by all users
during a 24 hour period.
viewed indicates the number of stories viewed and does not include
the home page or section indices. Total hits includes all files
accessed by all users.
way of example, the accompanying chart shows the growth in hits
since the inception of MiningNews.net in August 2000. The actual
number of hits is not shown for reasons of commercial confidentiality.
Usage has increased by 60% since June as a result of new marketing
growth in site traffic is attributable to a series of marketing
initiatives over the past few months. The format of the daily newsletter
emailed to subscribers was enhanced and a series of mail campaigns
returned a very high positive response rate of 21.4%.